7 Chief Obsessions
of successful CFOs
The state of the CFO role today, and what makes the top performers so impactful.
This paper highlights the seven critical focal points for modern CFOs this year.
These obsessions take you from finance expert to business leader, from stuck in the weeds to painting the bigger picture
The CFO role has shifted from internal focus to external focus, from cost control to growth levers, from retrospectives to foresight, and from execution to business strategy.
It's a great time to be a CFO, but there's also a lot of new ground to cover. This paper gives inspiration from those who've done it before.
Based on original research from Spendesk and our partners, this guide explores topics including:
Building a winning finance function
Digitalizing and automating core processes
Smart approaches to reporting and forecasts
Communication, leadership, and professional development
With lots of first-hand accounts from CFOs who've done it all and learned better ways to lead.