Ready for an ERP?
How to know your business is ready
Centralising all your financial data in a single tool is enticing, but also a real undertaking. Here's a checklist to help you decide if it's the right time to take this significant step.
ERPs are extraordinary tools.
But these systems can be prohibitively expensive and time consuming to implement.
Be sure that an ERP is right for you, and that the one you choose will solve your problems.
Installing ERP software is an exciting milestone for any finance team. It shows that your business is sophisticated and mature enough to need robust reporting and integrated data.
But it's not a decision to take lightly. Even the best ERP tools take time to implement and can force major changes in the way you work. So you need to be sure.
This checklist walks you through key considerations, including:
Your current finance processes
Your budget and estimated number of users
The training and expert advice you'll need
Must-have features & integrations
Make sure your business is ready, before you take the plunge.