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Streamline your accounts payable with automated invoice processing

Process, approve and pay invoices from all your teams quickly and efficiently.

Automate the tedious parts of processing invoices

Centralize invoice management

Spendesk lets everyone upload outstanding invoices to one platform, for finance to handle when appropriate. No emails, no missing documents, and no worries.

Pay all invoices at once

Once invoices have been added and approved in Spendesk, simply export a file to your online banking portal. This keeps you on time and error-free.

Simple and smooth invoice management

  • Upload invoices in seconds

    Any trusted team member can upload invoices to the platform from anywhere in the world, and Spendesk ensures all the necessary information is present. Finance teams can monitor and approve payments quickly, without any extra data entry.

  • Track approvals automatically

    It’s important to know who gets paid, and who approved each cost. Spendesk logs every payment to each vendor, and records which manager approved it. Costs are also assigned to specific teams to help you manage budgets easily.

  • Automated receipt matching

    No need to look over hundreds of receipts at the end of every month. Spendesk's OCR technology reads them for you to make sure every one is valid.

  • Real-time budget management

    Spendesk updates in real time to reflect your spending. This helps you know exactly how much you've spent. Your records are more accurate, and always up to date.

When you’re a fast-scaling company, lots of people have requests, lots of people need funds, lots of people need to expense or need to spend. Suddenly, you lose efficiency, you lose control, and you have a lack of visibility. Spendesk keeps us in control of things.

Tom Libbrecht

Finance Manager, Silverfin

Switch to smart, 
trackable spending